Primary Education

Primary Education

“Primary education is the early phase of learning that aims at creating, establishing and offering choices for all kids, regardless of age, race or nation. And is helpful to attain a healthy cognitive, behavioral and psycho motor growth.” Generally, class 1 to 6 is considered as Primary education levels. In fact, it provides a base or foundation of education on which later phases of education are built. Well, every child has a right to get education that is helpful in the development of their future career. So, education stakeholders should make sure that each child is having a primary education.

Advantages of having Primary Education

The State education system and the teaching approaches should emphasize the learning method and concentrate on policies that help students to know and create their crucial and creative thinking. A fundamental obligation of primary education is to help students know their custom and tradition and create consideration and appreciation for them. As in coming future, there will be a world of education and technology and we cannot expect a bright future without getting education. Primary education enables a child to learn about the purpose of his life, otherwise he would not be able to identify himself.

It provides knowledge of what to do and what expect from you as a member of society. In addition to the learning of academic curriculum, a child is able to learn etiquette, ethics, difference between right and wrong. What should be done and what should avoid. In short, it provides a basic understanding of the world. Finally to above mentioned advantages, it is helpful in building of brain’s function. For example, the development of critical thinking and cognitive learning. With these developments the child’s competitive abilities grow and that is important later in life.

Disadvantages of lack of primary education

The biggest cause of poverty in a society is the lack of education. Child labor is the most tragic issue in underdeveloped country. Due to poverty people force to send their children for labor. So, there is a full stop to the logical and creative reasoning of child. And this further leads to a less economic and constructive career. In fact, the children develop low self esteem and confidence making them less competitive. In Primary school, children are able to meet members other than their family for example; teacher & classmates.

Therefore, it enables them to grow socially and interaction with other people accelerates learning. Without getting primary education they will be unable to recognize their abilities and use them in practical life. And this will stop them from winning the race of life, making them looser. Furthermore, lack of it becomes problematic in personality development leading to an unprofessional attitude. So, this is the major cause of failure, jealousy and disappointment in the society.


Primary education is essential for the growth of critical, logical. Productive thinking in child’s earlier developmental ages, usually from grade 1 to 6. Therefore, this is very important for us to get it for the successful survival in the society.