Osteoporosis Causes Effects Prevention Treatment

Osteoporosis Causes Effects Prevention Treatment

Osteoporosis Causes Effects Prevention Treatment a condition in which patient have “fragile & mineral deficient bones”. it make bones progressively brittle and weak, making them vulnerable to fractures.
However the condition may affect all bones of body but the bones of the vertebrae, hip, and wrist are most vulnerable to break. Hip fractures can often be especially hazardous in older individuals because the lack of mobility is needed for extended period of time during the healing process. This eventually can contribute to the formation of blood clots or pneumonia, which can often have deadly outcomes.

Osteoporosis Causes

However, the definitive cause of osteoporosis is unclear but the mechanism by which bone can become weak is well known. In earliest phase of life, bones break and continually replaced by the process of bone remodeling. Bone mass generally peaks during middle and late twenty’s.

1. Whereas, bone decline starts when bone degeneration occurs quicker than bone buildup and it generally starts in the mid-30s.
2. Insufficient diet: Lack of essential minerals and vitamins in diet can cause the transfer of calcium of bones to the plasma. Therefore bones become porous.
3. Lack of physical activity and sedentary life style places less demand on bones to work. As bones are developed according to the activity demand, so lazy people are more vulnerable to osteoporosis.
4. Moreover in women, the rate of loss of bone density is accelerated during the initial 6 to 8 years after menopause. While this rapid postmenopausal decrease in bone density is caused due to a fast decline in the body’s production of estrogen, which appears to help keep calcium in the bones.
5. Certain medical issues can increase bone breakdown, For example:

a. kidney disease
b. Cushing’s syndrome
c. Overactive thyroid or parathyroid glands.
d. The use of steroid, anti- seizure drugs and immobility due to chronic diseases leads to bones weakness.

Osteoporosis Symptoms

However, a person usually doesn’t know that he or she has osteoporosis as long as a bone is fractured. But there are certain symptoms of the illness that includes:

1. Backache
2. A gradual loss of height and an accompanying stooped posture
3. Fractures of the spine, wrist, or hip

Osteoporosis Prevention and treatment

As the disorder is characterize with calcium deficiency, so we need certain steps to prevent and treat osteoporosis that are:
1. Proper calcium rich diet
2. Use of milk and dairy products
3. Use of calcium supplements in the age of 20’s
4. Use of bisphosphonates
5. Avoid the use of steroid and alcohol
6. Engage in regular physical activity and exercise
7. Adopt active style of living


Hence, osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become weak and porous and ultimately get fracture. So Physical inactivity, insufficient nutrition, menopause and certain other medical issues like kidney disease, Cushing’s syndrome, hyperactive thyroid gland can cause this. But Calcium rich diet, use of milk, exercise, use of calcium supplements early in life is necessary to prevent osteoporosis and it consequences.

Note: Health is important so kindly keep in touch with your family doctor in case of any emergency.