Orthoses & Prosthesis Use in Injuries

Orthoses & Prosthetics, introduction, Function, use in injuries, effects of use

What is Orthoses?
“Devices that are designed to provide external support control of movement and correction of deformity.” Certainly Orthoses & Prosthesis Use in Injuries important in our life.
In short other words these appliances are helping tool of disable people.

Orthoses & Prosthesis Use in Injuries Use / Function

As we know that modern world is blessed with technology that is actually a fruit of science. Disable people are also facilitated according to their needs. Any kind of injury that is disabling and prevent body parts to perform their work can make a person dependent on others. So things are made to provide help to those people.
Therefore, orthoses are use to:
1. Prevents deformity
2. Correct deformity
3. Maintain correction
4. Corrects instability
5. Relieve pain
6. Relieves weight bearing
7. Allow ambulation

Types of Orthoses

1. Static Orthoses:
“These are the devices that do not allow movement and provide rigid support to heal fractures, soft tissue injuries and nerve injuries.”

2. Functional Orthoses:
“These are the devices that permit movement to occur, designed to assist functions of weak muscles & prevent further weakness of muscles.”

Use in injuries

As the use of orthotic devices is increasing, advancement is also being done in this field of science to help people with injuries that are:
1. Nerve injuries
2. Bone fracture
3. Tendon inflammation
4. Muscle tear
5. Ligament tears
6. Deformation of body parts
7. Dislocation of joints
8. Advance stage of knee pain
9. Incorrect alignment of spine

Hence, these devices help the patient to recover soon.

So what is prosthesis then?

“Prosthesis is a synthetic substitute for any lost components of the arm as well as legs. It is a tool intended to perform an alternate role or maintain appearance of a lost limb or bodily section as much as required.”


1. A prothesis is used to facilitate a person with removed or accidentally lost part of limbs with the chance to execute vital functions; mainly walking that may not be feasible in the absence of limb.
2. A body-powered prosthesis program incorporates the use of patient’s own remaining limb, self power and ROM to regulate the function of prosthesis. This involves powering the fundamental tasks of terminal unit opening and shutting via elbow and shoulder joint mobilization.


Consequently, the type of prosthesis is determine by:
1. Location
2. Function
3. Extent of an amputed or accidentally lost limb.
On the other hand, their classification is also based on power use to operate them.
For example:
1. Body-powered prostheses that cable control
2. Externally powered prostheses:
Electrically powered My electric prostheses & Switch-controlled prostheses
Injuries in which prosthesis is use:
1. Amputed limb
2. Missing part of limb by birth
3. Accidental loss of limb or part of limb


Hence, the use of orthotic devices  does to give external support, control of movement and correction of any deformity. So the prosthesis is the artificial replacement of amputed limb.
So, these devices are use to prevent and treat such people.