Lung Cancer Symptoms Causes Treatment

Lung Cancer Symptoms Causes Treatment

Lung cancer Symptoms is important because it is the leading cause of death in many countries. The wind pipe descends into the chest and the wind pipe splits into a right side a left side. There are three branches of the right side of the wind pipe and two of the left. Of each branch of the wind pipe comes the lung. There is an upper lobe, a middle lobe and a lower lobe on the right side of the lung. So there are three lobes of the lung on the right side and two eminent on the left side. Right in between the two lungs is the heart.

 Symptoms of Lung Cancer

The most common symptoms of lung cancer is cough that often lasts for more than three weeks, coughing up blood, feeling breathless or having a severe pain in the chest. In addition to this sometimes the patients of lung cancer have the feeling of loss of appetite, because of which they can lose a considerable amount of weight. It is important to know however that it is possible to have a lung cancer without having any of these symptoms at all.

Causes of Lung Cancer

In the UK about 80 percent of the cases of lung cancer are directly linked with consumption of tobacco, so smoking happens to be the chief cause of lung cancer. In addition also exposure to dust such as asbestos, which causes shortness of breath or inhaling radon gas can cause this disease. However there are people who have never neither smoked nor been exposed to any of these gasses yet they develop lung cancer and this proportion of lung cancer is unfortunately increasing.

Identification of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer mostly starts by a spot in the upper part of the lung. This is the most common representation and identification of lung cancer. The problem is that shortly after its beginning, a cancer in the lung has access to a variety of lymph glands. Or lymph nodes that happen to sit very close to the wind pipe. These lymph glands extent all the way up. Generally this is the first mode of lymph glad extend. Lung cancer unfortunately because of the high blood flow to the lungs. It has access to spread outside of the lung to other parts of the body. The most common places are the liver, bones and the brain.


Lung cancer is however not a death sentence and can be treated. It can be cured with surgery as well as high doses of radiotherapy. However this can be done if the disease is detected at early stage. When we think about treatments for lung cancer, what matters is what is the stage of cancer is at the time of its diagnosis. If we just have a cancer that is presenting as a spot in the lung. Without any evidence of spreading on the lymph nodes or anywhere in the body. This would call a stage 1 lung cancer and the most common treatment for this. Stage of lung cancer is to remove that segment of the lung where the cancer has spread. Called the lobectomy, which is the surgical removal of a lobe of an organ such as lung, liver or brain.