Latest Physiotherapy Equipment

Latest Physiotherapy Equipment

Latest Physiotherapy Equipment helps a Doctor to gives you life but a Physiotherapist improves quality of life’’ This is necessary for physical health.

Introduction to Physiotherapy

“Physiotherapy is a vibrant profession that utilizes a variety of therapy methods to manage movement disorders and disabilities, decreasing suffering and avoidance of relapse.

Latest Equipment of Physiotherapy

With ever expanding population and advancement in technology, physiotherapists are provided with numerous equipments to enhance performance as well as satisfaction of the patients. For example:
1. Cervical, Lumber Traction Unit

This revolutionary machinery brought immense changes in treatment.This device is used for traction_therapy at certain segments of the body’s lumbar and cervical area to provide relief from symptoms of nerve impingement.
2. Therapeutic Ultrasound

Therapeutic ultrasound a tool used by physiotherapists to provide excellent relief for patients. Ultrasound is implemented using the probe of ultrasound , positioned directly in contact with your skin through a transmission binding gel.
a• It speeds up the rate of healing
b• Provides relaxation
c• Increasing local circulation
d• Disrupt scar tissue
3. Hot Packs

In Case of Hot packs kind of heating modality, used to provide heat to the affected region of the body. As heating fastens the rate of healing, it also provides easy and quick pain relief and improves local circulation.
4. TENS ( transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation).

So an electric device to stimulate nerve, work on the principle of pain gate theory to decrease pain and increases the motor function to maintain movement.

Latest Physiotherapy Equipment Conclusion

Hence With development of world everything operated via machines which enhance speed, accuracy and quality of work. Like all other professions physiotherapists are also getting benefit from scientific technology. Therefore many devices like traction units, therapeutic ultrasound, hot packs, TENS and many others. Finally the incorporation of these equipments facilitates the physiotherapist and gives satisfaction to patients, overall increasing efficacy of treatment.