Education Role

What is Education Role?

What is education role? Any formative effect on how one feels, thinks and acts regard as ‘education’. Education is basically the process by which one acquires knowledge. Quality education imparts values and shapes up beliefs. Ultimately we can say that education is a channel through which habits form.

How is education given?

There are different methods of education that takes place in formal and informal setting. Generally people get educate in schools, colleges and universities through teaching. Moreover there are training centers where students trains to develop certain skills. However, education is also given in an informal style of storytelling and discussion, whereby students learn effectively feeling less burdened. All these methods of teaching are call pedagogy (theory and practice of education).

Types of education

Certainly Education bases upon the conditions under which learning taking place and how knowledge and skills being developed. Based on this concept education categorize in two main types;
1. Formal
2. Informal / Non-formal
Formal Education takes place in a structured environment like schools and divide in different stages which includes; pre-school/kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, college and university/apprenticeship.
Informal learning acquire through daily interactions among members of society. It includes skills like swimming, language acquisition, cultural development of norms and manners. It takes place outside the educational establishments and involves great interest of the learner. As a result the learners self-direct and lifelong learners.

Education Role Conclusion

So Education Role should inculcate social change and economic advancement to people who get it. Hence it should be able to support communities and make them take charge of their destinies. In Case of right to education recognize by United Nations and many countries have made education compulsory up to a certain level. Certainly Education is not only important for personal development but also for national advancement.