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Healthy Diet

Healthy Diet

Healthy Diet

Simple recommendations can help us stay healthy and develop healthy habits. Here we are just going to pay attention on the perspective of healthy diet.


Water composes 80 percent of our body and is vital for life. It is involved in every single chemical process that our body does. So water is crucial in our bodies because it is the transport system for all the nutrients we intake. Everything else that we are digesting or putting in our body, water is the vehicle that carries it around. So we need to drink as much as water possible. Mostly we are given the number of eight ounce a day but let’s not think of the number, because number can be extremely overwhelming. There is no need to be counting the number of glasses of water you drink in a day. But yes, focus on drinking as much as water you can and in case you can’t drink plenty of water, you can substitute water for other drinks like soda or fruits like water melon. However these replacements cannot be as effective as water. So, eliminate coffee and juices from your life or decrease its consumption. When you do drink coffees go and drink twice as much as water as you have the coffee because coffee dehydrates the body and leaves you thirsty. Water is what will quench your thirst absolutely.

Eating habits

You need to be conscious of what you eat and how you eat. Most of the times we eat casually while watching TV or while we study, this would condition your body in wanting to eat every time you watch TV or study. So we need to distinguish when we are eating and craving for food without being hungry or eating when we do need food since we are hungry. One way of minimizing eating is chewing slowly. We need to be conscious of when we are full and satisfied and not just munching uselessly. Integrate raw vegetables or lightly cooked by steaming. We don’t want our veggies to lose their enzymes that catalyze food we consume. Moreover fruits need our attention. Fruits and vegetables facilitate our bowl movement and helps in digestion. They contain fiber which is very important for our body.

Sugar and trans fats

We need to minimize sugar in order to stay healthy. This does not mean you substitute sugar with artificial sweeteners. These sweeteners in fact are far worse than sugar and cause more harm to the body than sugar does. They do not activate the insulin enzyme which is necessary to break down sugar in the body. The insulin kicks in hormonal response that tell us when we are full and when we are not. When you are craving sugars you should take it. Diet sodas or anything saying low fat or low calories is not going to satisfy your craving for sugar. They are neuro-toxic and have scary effect like nausea, headaches etc. Similarly, avoid trans fat as much as possible. Margarine is worse than butter. It alters your levels of cholesterol. Not only these fats are hard to break down but these hydrogenated oils accumulate fat and is not used by the body.

Effects of exercise

Effects of exercise on overall body and health

Effects of exercise on overall body and health

What is exercise?
Effects of exercise is a physical activity that improves as well as retains fitness level, general health and wellbeing. It is conducted for multiple purposes, such as increasing rate of growth and increasing power. Furthermore, reduce the rate of aging; strengthen bones, muscles and circulatory system, to expand sport’s abilities, weight management or maintenance. Therefore involved in sustenance of health besides, providing an opportunity for recreation. Many participants like to exercise outdoors where they can group together, interact socially, and promote wellness.

Effects on body and overall health

Fitness level
As physical activity is increased while performing exercise, that’s why overall fitness and activity level increases. Research has proved that performing exercise in middle age results in better physical ability later in old age. It also increase bones strength and muscle power and bulk.
Effect on CVS
Similarly, the positive impact of workout on circulatory system is well recognized. There is indeed a direct relationship among physical inactivity and cardiovascular health, therefore sedentary lifestyle is an important cause for coronary artery disease occurrence. Small amount of physical exercise accelerate the incidence of mortality from cardiovascular diseases.

Effect on immune system

There is an insignificant proof of its association to the illness. Studies indicate that mild to moderate intensity exercises have positive effects on the human immune system. Hence, make the immune system stronger Effects of exercise.

Cancer prevention

Some kind of association is also present between physical inactivity. Effects of exercise can strengthen your immune system so cancer is also prevented.

Depression treatment

In fact, many medical studies revealed that exercise has a noticeable and continuous antidepressant impact in humans. And that is an impact think to be cause by improved BDNF binding in the brain. Numerous epidemiological studies evaluated the ability for physical exercise in the therapy of depressive disorders.

Effect on sleep

Preliminary proof out of a 2012 study stated that physical training for up to four months may help to get enough sleep in individuals over 40 years of age. A 2010 study proposed that workout usually enhanced sleep for most individuals and may assist with insomnia, but there is insufficient evidence to reach comprehensive findings about the connection between workout and sleep.

Effect on sugar level and insulin

In addition to other health benefits, regular workout can also control your blood glucose levels and assist your insulin to function better. This can reduce your danger of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Although, if you have that illness, exercise can facilitate you fix it.


As we know that regular exercise is healthy for you, and can even assist you lose fat. Rather you’re hectic and you’ve got a sedentary work. You can begin gently and discover methods to accommodate more physical activity in your lives. To get more advantage, you must plan to get the preferred amount of exercise for you. If you can, you are more likely to stay fit and active on work. So in order to get you safe from the risk of developing various diseases you must plan regular fitness program.

Osteoporosis Causes Effects Prevention Treatment

Osteoporosis Causes Effects Prevention Treatment

Osteoporosis Causes Effects Prevention Treatment

Osteoporosis Causes Effects Prevention Treatment a condition in which patient have “fragile & mineral deficient bones”. it make bones progressively brittle and weak, making them vulnerable to fractures.
However the condition may affect all bones of body but the bones of the vertebrae, hip, and wrist are most vulnerable to break. Hip fractures can often be especially hazardous in older individuals because the lack of mobility is needed for extended period of time during the healing process. This eventually can contribute to the formation of blood clots or pneumonia, which can often have deadly outcomes.

Osteoporosis Causes

However, the definitive cause of osteoporosis is unclear but the mechanism by which bone can become weak is well known. In earliest phase of life, bones break and continually replaced by the process of bone remodeling. Bone mass generally peaks during middle and late twenty’s.

1. Whereas, bone decline starts when bone degeneration occurs quicker than bone buildup and it generally starts in the mid-30s.
2. Insufficient diet: Lack of essential minerals and vitamins in diet can cause the transfer of calcium of bones to the plasma. Therefore bones become porous.
3. Lack of physical activity and sedentary life style places less demand on bones to work. As bones are developed according to the activity demand, so lazy people are more vulnerable to osteoporosis.
4. Moreover in women, the rate of loss of bone density is accelerated during the initial 6 to 8 years after menopause. While this rapid postmenopausal decrease in bone density is caused due to a fast decline in the body’s production of estrogen, which appears to help keep calcium in the bones.
5. Certain medical issues can increase bone breakdown, For example:

a. kidney disease
b. Cushing’s syndrome
c. Overactive thyroid or parathyroid glands.
d. The use of steroid, anti- seizure drugs and immobility due to chronic diseases leads to bones weakness.

Osteoporosis Symptoms

However, a person usually doesn’t know that he or she has osteoporosis as long as a bone is fractured. But there are certain symptoms of the illness that includes:

1. Backache
2. A gradual loss of height and an accompanying stooped posture
3. Fractures of the spine, wrist, or hip

Osteoporosis Prevention and treatment

As the disorder is characterize with calcium deficiency, so we need certain steps to prevent and treat osteoporosis that are:
1. Proper calcium rich diet
2. Use of milk and dairy products
3. Use of calcium supplements in the age of 20’s
4. Use of bisphosphonates
5. Avoid the use of steroid and alcohol
6. Engage in regular physical activity and exercise
7. Adopt active style of living


Hence, osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become weak and porous and ultimately get fracture. So Physical inactivity, insufficient nutrition, menopause and certain other medical issues like kidney disease, Cushing’s syndrome, hyperactive thyroid gland can cause this. But Calcium rich diet, use of milk, exercise, use of calcium supplements early in life is necessary to prevent osteoporosis and it consequences.

Note: Health is important so kindly keep in touch with your family doctor in case of any emergency.

Orthoses & prosthetics Use in Injuries

Orthoses & Prosthesis Use in Injuries

Orthoses & Prosthetics, introduction, Function, use in injuries, effects of use

What is Orthoses?
“Devices that are designed to provide external support control of movement and correction of deformity.” Certainly Orthoses & Prosthesis Use in Injuries important in our life.
In short other words these appliances are helping tool of disable people.

Orthoses & Prosthesis Use in Injuries Use / Function

As we know that modern world is blessed with technology that is actually a fruit of science. Disable people are also facilitated according to their needs. Any kind of injury that is disabling and prevent body parts to perform their work can make a person dependent on others. So things are made to provide help to those people.
Therefore, orthoses are use to:
1. Prevents deformity
2. Correct deformity
3. Maintain correction
4. Corrects instability
5. Relieve pain
6. Relieves weight bearing
7. Allow ambulation

Types of Orthoses

1. Static Orthoses:
“These are the devices that do not allow movement and provide rigid support to heal fractures, soft tissue injuries and nerve injuries.”

2. Functional Orthoses:
“These are the devices that permit movement to occur, designed to assist functions of weak muscles & prevent further weakness of muscles.”

Use in injuries

As the use of orthotic devices is increasing, advancement is also being done in this field of science to help people with injuries that are:
1. Nerve injuries
2. Bone fracture
3. Tendon inflammation
4. Muscle tear
5. Ligament tears
6. Deformation of body parts
7. Dislocation of joints
8. Advance stage of knee pain
9. Incorrect alignment of spine

Hence, these devices help the patient to recover soon.

So what is prosthesis then?

“Prosthesis is a synthetic substitute for any lost components of the arm as well as legs. It is a tool intended to perform an alternate role or maintain appearance of a lost limb or bodily section as much as required.”


1. A prothesis is used to facilitate a person with removed or accidentally lost part of limbs with the chance to execute vital functions; mainly walking that may not be feasible in the absence of limb.
2. A body-powered prosthesis program incorporates the use of patient’s own remaining limb, self power and ROM to regulate the function of prosthesis. This involves powering the fundamental tasks of terminal unit opening and shutting via elbow and shoulder joint mobilization.


Consequently, the type of prosthesis is determine by:
1. Location
2. Function
3. Extent of an amputed or accidentally lost limb.
On the other hand, their classification is also based on power use to operate them.
For example:
1. Body-powered prostheses that cable control
2. Externally powered prostheses:
Electrically powered My electric prostheses & Switch-controlled prostheses
Injuries in which prosthesis is use:
1. Amputed limb
2. Missing part of limb by birth
3. Accidental loss of limb or part of limb


Hence, the use of orthotic devices  does to give external support, control of movement and correction of any deformity. So the prosthesis is the artificial replacement of amputed limb.
So, these devices are use to prevent and treat such people.

sports physiotherapy

Sports Physiotherapy introduction education worth and importance

Sports Physiotherapy introduction education worth and importance

“A branch of Physiotherapy that is a specific part of study that deals with problems, accidents and injuries related to sports and athletes is called sports physiotherapy.”

Sports Related injuries

Any injury that occur during sports and games and happens in ground due to incorrect technique of playing or overuse of joints, muscles, and bones.

Therefore, Sport injuries are different from everyday health issues. Athletes generally require a high-level of performance, accuracy of each move, and maximum power that places a large amount of stress placed on body parts. So, a sports physiotherapist aid participants to recover from sport injuries as well as provide guidance and facilities to fix issues. This would enable a player to return immediately to the field or if the injury is serious may refer to the hospital for advance treatment options.

Furthermore, sport injuries are divided into acute and chronic injuries, depending on the onset, mechanism of injury and type of activity. That’s why it is important for a sports physiotherapist to have the medical history of every player.

Education of a Sport’s Physiotherapist

In addition to knowledge, each sport’s physiotherapist must have sport-specific understanding and experience in relevant field to treat immediate or old injuries. Their programs are usually accessible to players of both genders involved in sports activities at any point of contest.
That’s why a sport’s related physiotherapist must have a degree of Bachelors in Physiotherapy, experience and a post graduation specialized course in sports related issues and management.

Sports related injuries

Here is the list of sports related injuries that can be managed with physiotherapy.
1. Knee joint injuries
2. Fracture and dislocations of bones
3. Muscular strain
4. Tendon overuse injury
5. Ankle injuries
6. Ligament tears
7. Concussion injuries
8. And finally spine related issues

Sports Physiotherapy Worth and Importance

In the light of above mentioned paragraphs, we can easily gain knowledge about the role and importance of sport’s physiotherapist presence in ground. Sometimes, the efforts of a physiotherapist become a cause of victory of the player. Without immediate treatment and return of the player in field of ground. It wouldn’t be possible for a player to succeed. They work throughout the year with player in pre-competition, within competition and post competition phase to prepare sportsmen to perform well.

Moreover, Sports & exercise physiotherapists offer specific guidance on active and safe involvement, encouraging an active style of living to assist all athletes to enhance and sustain their quality of lives.
Hence, they also give knowledge about safe movements and techniques to prevent any injury. And restoring an optimal level of performance in competition.

Sports Physiotherapy Conclusion

So, a sports physiotherapist is one who engages in planning, management. And preparation of sports participants to prevent, cure and restore the functional capability of player.
In addition to the management of an acute injury, they can also provide treatment of an overuse, chronic injuries. Therefore, their presence with participants can prove a miracle in the ground of competition.

Note: This article written by Physiotherapist for general knowledge in case of any medical issue contact your family Physician.

Role of physiotherapy

History Evolution Advancement and Role of Physiotherapy in World War I

History, evolution, advancement and role of physiotherapy in World War I

Like every other thing in this world, Role of physiotherapy also has a history that how it was evolved and came into being.
“A branch of health sciences which deals with conservative method of treatment, rehabilitation of movement and recovery of body’s functions is known as physiotherapy.”
History and evolution of physiotherapy:
The doctors such as Hippocrates and after that Galen are considered to have been the first professionals of physical therapy, promoting massage, manual therapy and hydrotherapy to treat patients in 460 BC.

18th century

In the 18th century after the development of orthopedics, physiotherapy also gained development. The earliest origin of physical therapy as a separate professional group date back to Per Henrik Ling, “Father of Swedish Gymnastics.” Four nurses created the Society of Physiotherapy in 1894.

19th century

Quick progress occurred in physical therapy at the end of the 19th decade. Eventually after American orthopedic surgeons started treating the disabled patient and hired women educated in physical training and remedial practice. These procedures were utilize and further encourage when polio become epidemic in 1916.

Role of physiotherapy in World war I

Women were employ during the First World War to function with and regain physical function of injured soldiers. As well as the field of physical therapy was institutionalize. The term “Reconstruction Aid” has been use for people practicing physical therapy, in 1918. The first physical treatment college was create after the incident of World War 1 at the Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington.

1st research publication and formation of APTA

Research has facilitated the activity of physical treatment. During March 1921, the first physical therapy research has been done in the United States. During the same year, Mary McMillan formed the American Women’s Physical Therapeutic Association (currently known as the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).
Foundation of International Federation of Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapists
Treatment in 1940s basically consisted of exercise, massage, and traction. In the initial 1950s, manipulative procedures for the spine and joints of arms and legs start to be master, particularly in the British Common Health countries. In the late 1950s, physical therapists began to move beyond hospital-centered practice to outpatient orthopedic treatment centers, public schools, clinics of colleges and universities, geriatric setups, rehab centers and healthcare centers. Later in 1974 the International Federation of Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapists was form. Which play an important role in the development of manual therapy worldwide.


The origin of Physiotherapy occurred in 460 BC. This field of treatment made further advancement in 18th and 19th century. There was an admirable role of physiotherapy in World War 1. Many injured soldiers were taking treatment from women experienced in physical therapy. Publication of 1st research work of PT, formation of APTA. And later International Federation of Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapists brought an immense progress for this field. Now a day’s Physiotherapist are enjoying their autonomous practice and direct access to the patients.

Note: In case of any medical issue must consult with your family doctor once in a month

Physiotherapy Treatment methods

Physiotherapy Treatment methods Importance

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy Treatment methods Importance because having breath only isn’t called life. Living without moving your body is merely an existence of yours and to give your existence a name of true life you must keep moving.
“So physiotherapy is what, gives a productive existence of a handicap that is called life”

Scientifically it is defined as:
Physiotherapy is the process of examination, assessment and making diagnosis, relies on the science of mobility to help injured people to rehabilitate, recover, retain and improve their physical power, function, movement and general well-being by solving the fundamental physical problems.

Importance of Physiotherapy

“I’m a physiotherapist, what’s your superpower?”
With growing population, it is impossible for a single medical professional to solve all the problems of patients. The development and advancement of health science has categorized field of medical into different professions to provide people with health expertise and specialties. As there is an increase in the number and discovery of diseases, treatment methods are also increasing. Now the health care professionals work on the principle of holistic method of treatment. This treatment approach doesn’t focuses on the injured part only but it focuses on all the aspects of that injury and person as a whole. All disciplines Doctors, nurses, radiologists, pathologists, psychologists, physiotherapists, surgeons’ etc work together to identify and solve the problem of the patients.

Modern Technology

As modern technology is facilitating people, on the other hand they are causing more harm than good. The people of ancient days were physically more active than the people of modern era. The discoveries of different machines have replaced the work of human body, therefore causing destruction to the body’s machinery. That’s why it has become the need of the day to take the help of physiotherapist to repair that machinery and keep your body physically fit and healthy. Medicine alone cannot provide effective treatment to the sufferer, physiotherapy is does to treat the physical aspects of illness. Both physician and the physiotherapist works together to provide optimize treatment relevant to the specific disease.Hence Physiotherapy Treatment methods are important to understand.

Common diseases that are treats with physiotherapy:
1• Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow
2• Achilles tendinitis and plantar fascistic
3• Back, neck, knee pain and pain of MSK issues
4• Cerebral Palsy and Stroke
5• Disc bulges or herniation
6• Meniscal tears and ligament injuries
7• Neurological conditions
8• Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis
9• Rotator cuff injury
10• Post operation management and many other conditions

Treatment methods used in physiotherapy

Different methods of treatment used in physiotherapy are: Manual therapy, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, acupressure therapy, dry needling, paraffin wax therapy, traction and mobilization therapy, cryotherapy, etc. Finally these all therapies are apply according to the patient requirements.


Physiotherapy is what, recovers a productive life of a handicap. Due to it is impossible for a single medical professional to solve all the problems of patients. So doctors, nurses, radiologists, pathologists, psychologists, physiotherapists and surgeons work together to identify and solve the problem of the patients. So it is important to seek appointment for physiotherapy to heal physical issues of body.
Note: In case of any critical situation must consult with your family Physician.

Latest Physiotherapy Equipment

Latest Physiotherapy Equipment

Latest Physiotherapy Equipment

Latest Physiotherapy Equipment helps a Doctor to gives you life but a Physiotherapist improves quality of life’’ This is necessary for physical health.

Introduction to Physiotherapy

“Physiotherapy is a vibrant profession that utilizes a variety of therapy methods to manage movement disorders and disabilities, decreasing suffering and avoidance of relapse.

Latest Equipment of Physiotherapy

With ever expanding population and advancement in technology, physiotherapists are provided with numerous equipments to enhance performance as well as satisfaction of the patients. For example:
1. Cervical, Lumber Traction Unit

This revolutionary machinery brought immense changes in treatment.This device is used for traction_therapy at certain segments of the body’s lumbar and cervical area to provide relief from symptoms of nerve impingement.
2. Therapeutic Ultrasound

Therapeutic ultrasound a tool used by physiotherapists to provide excellent relief for patients. Ultrasound is implemented using the probe of ultrasound , positioned directly in contact with your skin through a transmission binding gel.
a• It speeds up the rate of healing
b• Provides relaxation
c• Increasing local circulation
d• Disrupt scar tissue
3. Hot Packs

In Case of Hot packs kind of heating modality, used to provide heat to the affected region of the body. As heating fastens the rate of healing, it also provides easy and quick pain relief and improves local circulation.
4. TENS ( transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation).

So an electric device to stimulate nerve, work on the principle of pain gate theory to decrease pain and increases the motor function to maintain movement.

Latest Physiotherapy Equipment Conclusion

Hence With development of world everything operated via machines which enhance speed, accuracy and quality of work. Like all other professions physiotherapists are also getting benefit from scientific technology. Therefore many devices like traction units, therapeutic ultrasound, hot packs, TENS and many others. Finally the incorporation of these equipments facilitates the physiotherapist and gives satisfaction to patients, overall increasing efficacy of treatment.

Lose Weight Magically

Lose Weight Magically

The Magic Weight Loss Smoothie

Lose Weight Magically the fruit mostly know for helping in losing weight, Bananas are great to help you lose weight. In addition, highly rich in nutrients, this fruit supports weight loss in a healthy manner. Banana provides the body it’s essential while keeping your stomach full too. Most importantly, this increases your energy level to boost the intensity of work out as well as reduces the junk food cravings also. Nutrients and ways in which they help reducing weight

Lose Weight Magically by Potassium

This fruit is reach in its potassium content. Not only does it provide the body with potassium, it also collaborates with the sodium in the body to control the body’s fluid levels. Moreover, potassium in the body is beneficial in many ways. It increases the muscles strength and reduces chances of cramps, also potassium helps maintain the heart rate which is essential during exercise routines.


Secondly, rich in magnesium, banana helps regulate the blood sugar level also maintaining the water weight and bloating levels in the body.

Lose Weight Magically with Phosphorus

Finally, phosphorus helps digesting carbohydrates, which significantly helps reducing the BMI levels in an obese person. Hence, adding banana to any sort of diet is beneficial.

Magical Banana Smoothie

Moving on to the magical weight loss potion, the banana smoothie has all the ingredients essential to help you lose weight faster and easier. Besides that, these ingredients help maintain your energy, boost your mood and burn fat throughout the day.


1• Banana (One)
2• Plain non-fat natural yogurt (1/2 cup)
3• Lemon Juice (2 lemons)
4• Flax seeds (2 tbsp)
5• Coconut Oil (1 tbsp)
6• Cinnamon Powder (Just a pinch)
7• Ginger Powder (1/2 tsp)


Blend all ingredients together and gulp it down. Moreover prefer taking this smoothie in breakfast, if you regularly skip breakfasts, this will not blog you up.


Furthermore, do not forget to make sure that you have this smoothie check for yourself by a nutritionist. In case you suffer hypertension, it’s best to skip cinnamon and ginger from this. As for women going through their maternity period, the intake of ginger should be restricted to a gram per day. Finally, keep note that the recipe can be adjusted to meet one’s individual needs.

Therefore, keeping the regular exercise in routine, enjoy your smoothie as you watch those extra pounds shred off.

Healthy Diet Tips

Healthy Diet Tips

Healthy Diet Tips

Healthy diet tips actually depriving yourself of food, restricting dietary limits. And staying unrealistically thin is not the definition of healthy diet. You’re consuming a healthy diet when you feel great, energetic, have an improved health and feel a boost in your mood.

What is a healthy diet?

The process of consuming a healthy diet doesn’t necessarily have to be overly complicated. So the food items or nutrients that seem or are said to be beneficial for the mood don’t exactly have to affect the mood in a positive manner as the most important factor is the overall dietary pattern. Food consumed that are closest to how nature has made them hugely effects how you feel, look or think.

Fundamentals of healthy eating

To sustain a healthy body it is crucial for one to balance protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals in their diets. Selecting healthiest options from each category is the wisest decision to make rather than eliminating certain categories of food from diet.

  1.  Protein is responsible for the energy you need to get up and go and to keep going. Excessive protein proven to be harmful for people with kidney disease.
  2.  Fat are all of different types. Bad fats wreck your diet and increase risk of certain disease, good fats preserve one’s brain and heart.
  3.  Fiber rich foods helps you stay regular and lowers risk of strokes, diabetes and heart diseases.
  4.  Due to Calcium is vital for every age or gender or else risk of osteoporosis, anxiety, depression and sleep difficulties.
  5.  Carbohydrates are mainly responsible for providing energy.

Achieving more in long term without feeling deprived of the food you enjoy is through keeping your goals modest. The best approach is to make small changes from time to time. Hence Eating Food Snacks Recipes are important for your health.
In case of any critical situation must consult with your medical advisor or Contact Us