Private Colleges
Private Colleges
Private Colleges, When we think about college studies, two options come in mind. One is the Government College and second is the Private College. Which one is better of the two? This decision is based on preference and other factors like economy. We all know that college fee at government is much less than that of private. Let us just compare the two.
There are basically five differences between a government and a private college and these are:
1. College fee
2. Placement
3. Faculty
4. Curriculum
5. Examination
College Fee
Since government colleges are held by central or state government, their fee package is much less than that of a private college. They have fee concession as well.
Earlier in time the trend to study in a government college was much higher than it is now. The reason was that government colleges provided quality education at a very cheap prize. However, later on people had more choices with establishment of private colleges. Some of them facilitated with Air conditions or Labs which inspired students to study there. Thus the infrastructure of private colleges surpassed that of a government college. Moreover since the number of students would be less than that in government college; students expected better education and focus in private college.
Private Colleges Faculty
You will mostly find highly qualified teachers in private institutions because they are well paid. There could be a problem with their teaching style may; however you cannot undermine their degrees. Most government college teachers shift to private institutions since they feel that these institutions are better established in every way.
Curriculum and Examination
Private colleges can have their own liberty with curriculum and examination system whereas government curriculum and examination system is set up by ministries and other government bodies. Some students feel that the private curriculum and examination system is easier and better than the government one.
Well, whatever choice you make. Make sure it is the right one!