ICJ Rejects Kulbhushan Jadhav Release
ICJ Rejected Kulbhushan Jadhav Release
International Court of Justice ICJ rejected Indian plea for Kulbhushan Jadhav release. In Hague on Wednesday ICT rejected remedies raised by India. According To Daily Manaqib News India have not such ground to seek release because Kul;bhushan Jadhav arrested with all proves and in this scenario Its against the any law.
ICJ also dismissed remedy annulment of military court decision about Kulbhushan Verdict and also release and safe passage to India.
ICJ Judge Abdul Qavi Ahmed Yousaf announced that Pakistan to review the death sentence of alleged Indian spy and also consular access allowed.
Effects of ICJ Decision
This is big decision and after this forum India need to declare terrorist state because now proved. India involve directly in terrorism across the sub-cotenant. India Using Afghanistan land and people for terrorism in Pakistan and other countries. Now it’s upon the all peace loving countries to boycott india and declare terrorist state immediately.
Pakistan loses more than 70 thousands innocent people in last decade. India directly supports terrorists and terrorist organizations that are banned in Pakistan. Hence need to take action immediately against India to save world peace.
Today’s ICJ Decision is very much important and explore Indian real face in front of the World. Pakistan Government now needs to implement Court decision to hang Kulbhushan Immediately. In Short to finish terrorism in Pakistan need strict action against Kulbhushan Network.
In case of Pakistan hang Kulbhushan Jadav this is strong message for other terrorists. Who are working against Pakistani State.