History Evolution Advancement and Role of Physiotherapy in World War I

History, evolution, advancement and role of physiotherapy in World War I

Like every other thing in this world, Role of physiotherapy also has a history that how it was evolved and came into being.
“A branch of health sciences which deals with conservative method of treatment, rehabilitation of movement and recovery of body’s functions is known as physiotherapy.”
History and evolution of physiotherapy:
The doctors such as Hippocrates and after that Galen are considered to have been the first professionals of physical therapy, promoting massage, manual therapy and hydrotherapy to treat patients in 460 BC.

18th century

In the 18th century after the development of orthopedics, physiotherapy also gained development. The earliest origin of physical therapy as a separate professional group date back to Per Henrik Ling, “Father of Swedish Gymnastics.” Four nurses created the Society of Physiotherapy in 1894.

19th century

Quick progress occurred in physical therapy at the end of the 19th decade. Eventually after American orthopedic surgeons started treating the disabled patient and hired women educated in physical training and remedial practice. These procedures were utilize and further encourage when polio become epidemic in 1916.

Role of physiotherapy in World war I

Women were employ during the First World War to function with and regain physical function of injured soldiers. As well as the field of physical therapy was institutionalize. The term “Reconstruction Aid” has been use for people practicing physical therapy, in 1918. The first physical treatment college was create after the incident of World War 1 at the Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington.

1st research publication and formation of APTA

Research has facilitated the activity of physical treatment. During March 1921, the first physical therapy research has been done in the United States. During the same year, Mary McMillan formed the American Women’s Physical Therapeutic Association (currently known as the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).
Foundation of International Federation of Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapists
Treatment in 1940s basically consisted of exercise, massage, and traction. In the initial 1950s, manipulative procedures for the spine and joints of arms and legs start to be master, particularly in the British Common Health countries. In the late 1950s, physical therapists began to move beyond hospital-centered practice to outpatient orthopedic treatment centers, public schools, clinics of colleges and universities, geriatric setups, rehab centers and healthcare centers. Later in 1974 the International Federation of Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapists was form. Which play an important role in the development of manual therapy worldwide.


The origin of Physiotherapy occurred in 460 BC. This field of treatment made further advancement in 18th and 19th century. There was an admirable role of physiotherapy in World War 1. Many injured soldiers were taking treatment from women experienced in physical therapy. Publication of 1st research work of PT, formation of APTA. And later International Federation of Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapists brought an immense progress for this field. Now a day’s Physiotherapist are enjoying their autonomous practice and direct access to the patients.

Note: In case of any medical issue must consult with your family doctor once in a month